Advanced statistics  

Contents: This course covers several more advanced statistical models and associated designs, and techniques for statistical inference, as relevant to life science studies. The main topics are categorical data, (multiple) regression, analysis of variance (including multiple comparisons), analysis of covariance, and non-parametric tests. The aims of an analysis, the model assumptions, the properties (and limitations) of the models and associated inferential techniques and the interpretation of results in terms of the practical problem will be discussed. Focus will be upon students gaining an understanding of the model ingredients, an (intuitive) understanding of inferential techniques, insight into data structures and implications for choice of model and analysis. Students will be able to perform analysis of data with statistical software, i.e. with R-Studio. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to (within the limits of the subjects treated) be able to: - translate a research question into a statistical hypothesis: make a plan (type of design or sampling procedure) for the data collection. - choose an appropriate model with an understanding of the ingredients of the model in relation to the data; - analyse the data (with R-Studio); - interpret the results and form conclusions relevant for the actual problem.
Advanced statistics

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